This file consist of a complete bibliography for this guide sorted alphabetically.
- 1
T.E. Avery and T.R. Lyons. Remote Sensing: Aerial and Terrestrial Photography for Archaeologists. National Park Service, Washington DC, 1981.
- 2
R.H. Bewley. Aerial photography for archaeology. In J. Hunter and I. Ralston, editors, Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: an Introduction Stroud, pages 197–204. 1993.
- 3
C.J. Brooke. Ground Based Remote Sensing. Institute of Field Archaeologists Technical Paper, 1989.
- 4
C.J. Brooke. Ground based remote sensing of buildings and archaeological sites: ten years research to operation. Archaeological Prospection, 1(2):105–119, 1994. doi:<105::AID-ARP6140010204>3.0.CO;2-F.
- 5
von J. Cramer. Thermografie in Der Bauforschung. Archaeologie und Naturwissenschaft, 2:44–54, 1981.
- 6
S. Crutchley and P. Crow. The Light Fantastic: using airborne laser scanning in archaeological survey. English Heritage, Swindon, 2009.
- 7
D.N.M. Donoghue and I. Shennan. The Application of Remote Sensing to Wetland Archaeology. International Journal of Geoarchaeology, 3:275–285, 1988. doi:
- 8
C. Elachi. Radar Images from Space. Scientific American, 247(6):54–61, 1982.
- 9
Historic England. Aerial Investigation: Using Aerial Sources to Map Archaeology and Landscapes \textbar Historic England — 2023. URL:
- 10
M. Fowler. High-Resolution Satellite Imagery in Archaeological Application – A Russian Satellite Photograph of the Stonehenge Region. Antiquity, 70:667–671, 1996. doi:
- 11
T.R. Lyons and T.E. Avery. Remote Sensing: A Handbook for Archaeologists and Cultural Resource Managers. National Park Service, Washington DC, 1977.
- 12
T.R. Lyons and F.J. Mathien, editors. Cultural Resources Remote Sensing. National Park Service Cultural Resources Management Division, Washington DC, 1980.
- 13
J.F. McCauley, G.G. Schaber, C.S. Breed, M.J. Grolier, C.V. Haynes, B. Issawi, C. Elachi, and R. Blom. Subsurface valleys and geoarchaeology of the eastern Sahara revealed by Shuttle Radar. Science, 218:1004–1020, 1982.
- 14
D. Powlesland and D. Donoghue. A multi-sensor approach to mapping the prehistoric landscape. In Proceedings of the 9th NERC Airborne Symposium, pages 88–96. NERC, Swindon, UK, 1993.
- 15
D. Powlesland, J. Lyall, and D.N.M. Donoghue. Enhancing the Record Through Remote Sensing. The application and integration of multi-sensor, non-invasive remote sensing techniques for the enhancement of the Sites and Monuments Record. Heslerton Parish Project, 1997. Place: Yorkshire, England. URL:
- 16
C. Pryor, D.N.M. Donoghue, and D.J. Powlesland. Integration of remotely sensed and ground based geophysical data for archaeological prospecting using a geographical information system. In A.P. Crackerell and R.A. Vaughn, editors, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, 197–207. 1992.
- 17
I. Scollar, A. Tabbagh, A. Hesse, and I. Herzog. Archaeological Prospecting and Remote Sensing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.
- 18
I. Shennan and D.N.M. Donoghue. Remote Sensing in Archaeological Research. Proceedings of the British Academy, 77:223–232, 1992.
- 19
Allsop and Greenbaum. Proceedings of the 5th NERC Airborne Symposium. Natural Environment Research Council. NERC, Swindon, UK, 1989.
- 20
Donoghue D.N. and I. Shennan. The Application of Multispectral Remote Sensing Techniques to Wetland Archaeology. In P. Murphy and C. French, editors, The Exploitation of Wetlands, volume 186 of BAR British Series, pages 47–59. 1988.
- 21
RCHME. A Matter of Time. HMSO, 1960.
- 22
Tabbagh. Les proprietes thermiques des sols. Archaeo-Physica, 6:128–148, 1976.
- 23
Tabbagh. Prospection thermique aeroportee du site de Prepoux. Revue d’Archaeometrie, 7:11–25, 1979.